Two Minute Recap
Where have I been, you ask? Dying a slow death by going through the b-school application process. But here's a two minute recap of Fall 06 TV, just as it's wrapping up for the year:
Sundays: DH is better than ever, that was a great creepy ending last week with Lynette, and I actually like Bree's psychotic husband this season. B&S started off slow for me, but now I love it, especially since we've ditched the where's the money story line for the where's rachel one.
Mondays: Possibly my favorite night of TV... HIMYM is funnier than ever (I think I busted a gut over the Swarley episode.) Then my 2 new fave shows Heroes and Studio 60 back to back make it a great night. They are both amazing and I'm so glad that NBC had the faith to pick up Studio 60. Don't watch the new show on TBS, 10 Items or Less... not funny.
Tuesdays: Dropped Jericho and FNL because although I wanted to like it, it turns out I didn't. Smith was rightfully cancelled... so we're just left with our beloved Veronica Mars (which marks the first time in history I've LOVED a new intro song.) Oh, and also TBS' other original comedy My Boys started this past week - catch a repeat if you haven't seen it - I love it.
Wednesdays: Lost's the mini-season didn't answer bubkiss, so I guess we'll have to wait until Feb. Although I love Juliet and Ben as the Others. Enjoying Daybreak, and what makes it great is knowing that it wraps up in 13 weeks. Top Chef is good, but there is no clear M fave like Harold from last year. I was liking the Nine, but I guess it's cancelled so oh well.
Thursdays: By far the busiest night of the week!!! NBC has an awesome new line up starting this week: Earl, Office, Scrubs, 30 Rock (and yes I like 30 Rock.) Then there's my other new fave show, Ugly Betty - this show is awesome and I love Betty (especially now that I share her orhtodontic pain somewhat.) Then we have perrenial fave Smallville. I've been watching Grey's Anatomy, but mostly because I'm a girl and I feel like a social outcast if I don't. And The OC is back and amazing!! I'm glad they killed off Marissa because the show is better for it.
Fridays: Las Vegas is rocking Fridays, and I'm happy to TiVo and watch on Saturday mornings. Also, can BSG get ANY better?? Its such an amazing show, I can't believe more people don't watch!! Vanished was banished here for awhile, but I believe you now have to watch the final few eps on a MySpace page or something. I'll get around to it on the holidays, or maybe on netflix.
THERE - are you happy now K?????